Occupational Therapy Graduate Program

Geronimo are currently recruiting for Occupational Therapists to join Geronimo’s 2024 Graduate Program in Melton and Geelong.

Our OT graduate program has been designed for Graduates who want to work within the NDIS sector within a community setting, with a team of experienced OTs.  Due to this program being developed by OTs, it prioritises opportunities for growth, learning and developing sustainable work routines.

The Graduate program includes a 12-week induction process where you can expect a high level of support and dedicated time to complete self-directed learning.  This structured program has been designed to provide plenty of practical experience to build your personal and professional growth. 

What you can expect:

  • After completing an online application form, you will be contacted and can select to arrange an informal meeting to discuss if Geronimo is right for you, or to arrange an interview. Geronimo are aware that the interview process can be daunting, therefore you are provided with the interview questions prior to interview.

  • Geronimo are flexible on the start date of the graduate program because after 4 years of study, we acknowledge that people might need a break. Your first 2 weeks at Geronimo will include no billable targets, and instead we arrange for you to complete your induction, observe sessions, complete several supervisions each week, and to start organising your caseload.

  • You will slowly increase the amount of billable work you are completing during this period. Your formal supervision will slowly reduce from several times per week to fortnightly by the end of this period, with lots of opportunities to seek support throughout the week in an informal setting.

  • After your induction period is completed, you will continue to receive regular 1:1 and group clinical supervision, and be able to access internal and external PD opportunities. You will independently manage your caseload and calendar so that you can balance your work-life commitments. As you refine your career goals, Geronimo can support you to ensure your caseload and professional development opportunities align with your interests.

I felt quite nervous commencing this role, not really knowing what to expect, but they slowly warmed me into it by gradually building my caseload as we went. You start with lots of supervision so you can ask any questions or suggestions. Now after being here for two years I still have supervision every fortnight
— 2021 Graduate
I get regular supervision which gives me the opportunity to talk through my caseload or any concerns that I have, and things that I am not sure about or would like to learn more about. It’s been a really supportive position. The team is great and we bounce off of each other all of the time. I forever have questions and they are forever getting answered. It’s been a really supportive job to begin with.
— 2023 Graduate